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Golf Tournament 2024

Golf Tournament

Overwhelming Support for VHCC's Educational Foundation for Student Scholarships

Dear faithful VHCC community,

We at VHCC are filled with gratitude for our outstanding community, which played a pivotal role in the success of our 16th Annual VHCC Educational Foundation Golf Tournament for Student Scholarships. Your generous spirit, which helped us raise over $38,000, is a testament to the strength of our community.

Your contributions through sponsorships, hosting a team to play, donating valuable gifts for our raffle, and volunteerism were immensely beneficial. These funds will aid students especially those whose lives have been hindered by Hurricane Helene's aftermath.

THANK YOU for joining hands in investing in the futures of our young people and moving forward with us at VHCC! We are because you are! Your support will transform lives, build resilience, and ensure a brighter tomorrow.

16th Annual VHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament

Friday October 4 at Glenrochie Country Club in Abingdon, VA

Check-in & breakfast: 8:00 - 8:45 am

Shotgun start: 9:00 am

Lunch and Awards: 1:30 pm

$500 - Foursome Team (4 Players)

Each team includes up to four players

18 holes of golf, golf cart, exclusive player gift bag, two drink tickets, raffle ticket, continental breakfast and luncheon banquet with chance to win prizes.

Win Tournament Prizes!

$10,000 Hole-in-One | Long Drive & Closest to the Pin


Register now before September 27. Space is limited.


Includes two complimentary foursomes

Breakfast, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony for each player | Listed as Grand Slam Sponsor on event signage and VHCC website | Company Logo featured on main event banner and event program | Company Logo on gift bags given to every player |  Recognized as the gift bag sponsor during awards luncheon | Player gift bag for each member of the teams | Eight raffle tickets - 1 per player

Includes one complimentary foursome

Breakfast, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony for each player | Listed as the Beverage Cart Sponsor on event signage and VHCC website | Company Logo on signage at Beverage Cart and event program | Company Logo on one item in gift bags given to every player |  Recognized as the beverage cart sponsor during awards luncheon | Player gift bag for each member of the team | Four raffle tickets - 1 per player

Includes one complimentary foursome

Breakfast, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony for each player | Listed as the Lunch Sponsor on event signage and VHCC website | Company Logo on signage at lunch area and event program | Company Logo on one item in gift bags given to every player |  Recognized as the lunch sponsor during awards luncheon | Player gift bag for each member of the team | Four raffle tickets - 1 per player

Includes one complimentary foursome

Breakfast, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony for each player | Listed as the Breakfast Sponsor on event signage and VHCC website | Company Logo on signage at breakfast area and event program | Company Logo on one item in gift bags given to every player |  Recognized as the breakfast sponsor during breakfast | Player gift bag for each member of the team | Four raffle tickets - 1 per player

Includes one complimentary foursome

Breakfast, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony for each player | Listed as the Foursome Hole Sponsor on one tee sign, event signage, VHCC website and event program | Company includes a "swag" item with logo on gift bags given to every player | Player gift bag for each member of the team | Four raffle tickets - 1 per player

Listed as the Hole Sponsor on tee sign, event signage, VHCC golf website and program | Special thanks at the event

Accepting in-kind gifts valued at $25 or greater

Company name on VHCC golf website | Special thanks at the event

Not a golfer? You can still show your support. 


For more information on how to sponsor, please contact Debbie McCroskey at (276) 739-2536 or

We want to THANK our 2024 sponsors.

Grand Slam

Ballad Health


Lunch Sponsors

Wolf Hills Fabricators LogoHapco LogoTri-City Extrustion Logo


Beverage Cart Sponsor

CSA - HILB Group


Breakfast Sponsor

Wolf Hills Energy


Gift Bag Sponsors

Anthem Healthkeepers Plus Logo



  • Commonwealth Connections, Donnie Ratliff


Foursome Hole Sponsors

BurWil Construction Logo



First Bank and Trust



Frost Funeral Home


Hole Sponsors


  • BZ Builders





Concord Wealth Partners



Eastman Credit Union Logo



First Community Bank



Goodman's Jewelers



  • Jeff Davis (QSB)



  • Janie McClocklin - In Memory of Jason Corvin

In Memory of Jason Corbin



  • Mountain Fuel



Bank of Abingdon



Thompson and Litton



Tru Point Bank Logo



Universal Fibers Logo


Wampler Insurance Co.

You're Gonna Love Where You Go.TM
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